Bio Resources

Here are some resources to get you started for creating your bio:

This first video is a great resource. It provides a great check list for putting your bio together:

4 Tips :

  1. Check your emotional baggage
  2. Avoid hype & clichés
  3. Avoid the laundry list syndrome
  4. Don’t write in chronological order

6 steps to a better bio:

  1. Gather ALL your raw material
  2. Choose an opener
  3. Group items by TYPE
  4. Write topic paragraphs
  5. Enlist friends
  6. Proofread

A more Commercial driven perspective

A little annoying but good for the website:

Google is your friend! Make sure to look at folks that inspire you for what to write in your bio. One of my inspirations/favorite artists is Zoe Keating. If I’m working on my website, her site is an amazing resource for me. She is far more accomplished, but I can’t adjust my site and bio to reflect hers.

We also have a great resource here:

These are the programs from this past years barn dance.

This is the archive to the 2 years before. These will have composer and performer bios, some good and some bad. Remember, you will be writing a bio for the web, for your press release and for your program when you give your presentation or recital. These may be exactly the same, or they may be completely different. Do your research to find out.

More Resources

How to Write an Effective Music Bio: The Musician’s Guide

9 Classical Musician Program Bios That Aren’t Terrible


